The Mission of the Council on Soil and Water Conservation is to advise and assist the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection, the Commissioner of Agriculture and other partnering agencies in conserving and protecting the land, water and other resources of the State in order to preserve and enhance quality of life for present and future generations.


The Connecticut Council on Soil and Water Conservation (Council) is created by state statute to coordinate activities and partnering opportunities of Connecticut’s soil and water conservation districts with other federal, state and local agencies on environmental and natural resource land use projects. Primarily focusing on: (1) erosion and sedimentation control (2) water quality and quantity issues and land use issues.

The Connecticut Council on Soil and Water Conservation consists of the following nine voting members:

  • a representative of each of Connecticut’s five soil and water conservation districts (www.conservect.org),
  • the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection or designee,
  • the Commissioner of Agriculture or designee,
  • a representative of the Cooperative Extension System,
  • a representative of a non-governmental organization appointed by the Governor.

Council at-large non-voting members include:

  • a representative from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS),
  • a representative from Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station,
  • a representative from Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station,
  • municipal staff responsible for erosion and sedimentation control,
  • a representative from Farm Service Agency and
  • a representative from the Resource Conservation and Development Councils.