Technical ManualsThe 2002 Connecticut Guidelines for Erosion and Sediment ControlA manual for the design, installation and maintenance of soil erosion and sediment controls that fulfills the requirements of Connecticut’s Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Act (see CGS 22a-328, Connecticut General Statutes). Starting in May 2002 these guidelines replaced the 1988 guidelines on soil erosion and sediment control. The 2002 Guidelines contain information on the history of erosion and sediment control, an explanation of the erosion and sediment control process, sediment and pollution damage, how to develop an erosion and sediment control plan, details on 46 specific erosion and sediment control measures and 13 appendices including a 27×39 inch poster containing a summary of all the measures and applicability limitations. For use in the office and in the field. Available online or please contact DEEP at 860-424-3706 to purchase a copy. 2004 Connecticut Stormwater Quality ManualThe Connecticut Stormwater Quality Manual provides guidance on the measures necessary to protect the waters of the State of Connecticut from the adverse impacts of post-construction Stormwater runoff. This manual focuses on site planning, source control, and Stormwater treatment practices and is intended for use as a planning tool and design guidance document by the regulated and regulatory communities involved in Stormwater quality management. Errata Sheet for the Connecticut Stormwater Quality Manual Other Publications of InterestSoil Health
OtherLand Use Organizations Available to Municipalities and Land Owners EPA’s Nonpoint Source Outreach Toolbox How to Create a Streamside Buffer Garden Northeast Recycling Council- Manure Management for Small and Hobby Farms |