Have a potential project to share along the Connecticut coastal area for
the Watershed Operations program? We are all set to hear from you!
Or… Keep scrolling for information on how to register for the upcoming outreach meetings– where we will also talk a lot more about how to share projects through the app.
- To enter information on potential projects:
Step 1: Download the Epicollect5 App on your mobile device through the App Store.
Step 2: Once downloaded, open the App and click +ADD PROJECT, at top of App. Type in Long Island Sound Watershed Operations and the project should come up with the Council logo. Add the project. You are now all set to provide site specific data.
Step 3: To add a project site. Open the App and click on +ADD ENTRY at top right of screen. The screen may prompt you to allow for mapping when you start. Select allow when using app. Fill in the data as requested starting with First Name. To move to next screen hit NEXT at top of app. When all of the data is completed, the entry will be saved on your device. Do not upload until all data is correct. You can edit the data by reopening the entry. Once data is final, you can upload the data. You can create more than one entry before uploading. Once uploaded, the entry will disappear from your app.
PRO‐TIP: This tool geolocates the project for us to bring into a GIS platform and is a key feature of this data collection tool. It is important that you are at the site with your mobile device before you submit your entry. You can fill in all the data BEFORE you get to the site by just clicking through the Project Location question as part of the entry. If you do this don’t upload the data. Once onsite you can reopen the entry you created and fill in the Project Location information. You can also take pictures of the site in the app. Once you have geolocated the site and data is correct, then upload.
To view data collected go to:
And click on view data!
- Why are we searching for potential projects along the coast in CT?
The CT Council on Soil and Water Conservation is hosting two in-person public outreach meetings on a planning effort to establish a USDA NRCS Watershed Operations program in Long Island Sound. These meetings are to collect information on potential project sites. If adopted, the project would bring federal funding to local communities to improve water quality and tidal marsh habitats along the coast of Long Island Sound. This project is focused on reducing the impacts of stormwater on shellfish beds and restoring tidal wetlands. In person meeting attendance is encouraged! However, a virtual meeting is being offered for those who cannot make it to the in-person meeting.
These meetings are being held in collaboration with your local Soil and Water Conservation District and CT USDA-NRCS.
Who should attend: Shellfish Commissions, Conservation and other local land use commissions, town and state agency staff, NGOs, shellfishers, and anyone working to improve shellfish and tidal wetland habitat.
For more information, please contact Denise Savageau, Chair of the Council on Soil and Water Conservation at
Please fill out the form below for the in-person meetings:
June 17 at the Milford Library, Milford – 1 to 3 p.m.
June 25 at the DEEP’s Fort Trumbull facility, New London – 2-4 p.m.
For the June 18 virtual meeting, please register at this link.
Nov. 28, 12:00-2:30pm at Uconn Ext. Torrington
Nov. 29, 12:00-2:30pm at Tolland County Agricultural Center, Vernon
Dec. 5, 12:00-2:30PM at deKoven House, Middletown
Dec. 6, 10:30-1:00pm at Milford Public Library, Milford
Dec. 7, 12:00-2:30pm at Uconn Avery Point, Groton
Protecting Drinking Water Sources: A GIS Tool to Rank Priority Areas in CT |
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2023 from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM |
Hosted by the CT Council on Soil and Water Conservation, UCONN CLEAR and CT DPH
Funding is provided through a Cooperative Conservation grant from the USDA-NRCS
Link to the Recording:
Protecting Drinking Water Sources: A GIS Tool to Rank Priority Areas in CT
Imagine A Day Without Water
Source Water Protection Virtual Workshop
Thursday October 20, 2022 from noon to 1:15
Hosted by the CT Council on Soil and Water Conservation
Funding is provided through a Cooperative Conservation grant from the USDA-NRCS
Registration link:
Materials from Previous Events on Source Water Protection:
The recording for the October 2020 webinar can be found here: |
Links to Presentations:
VIDEO- AWWA: Farm Bill key in protecting drinking water
Introduction to Source Water Protection
Kira Jacobs, US EPA Region 1- Drinking Water Program, Boston MA
The ONE WATER Concept
Scott Berry- U.S. Water Alliance, Washington DC
Source Water Protection in CT
Eric McPhee, Connecticut Dept. of Public Health – Drinking Water Section, Hartford CT
Case Studies: Using the Farm Bill programs for Source Water Protection
Kira Jacobs, US EPA Region 1- Drinking Water Program, Boston MA